In my role as a Brand Manager within this partnership, one of my primary responsibilities was to
translate the creative vision set by the Creative Director into actionable graphics. This encompassed orchestrating the team's agenda to ensure the efficient execution of UX and UI design tasks, crafting compelling brand presentations for investors, and overseeing colleagues to ensure the achievement of all artistic elements across various media channels and physical stores.

I worked at this partnership for two years as a full-time employee, dedicating my efforts to driving the brand's visual identity and success.

*Film by Eduardo Villaseñor.

At the heart of Corso® is its director, Samuel Casillas, whose unwavering dedication, exceptional talent, and steadfast commitment to artisanal excellence define its essence, seamlessly weaving nature's beauty into its designs.

When I assumed this role, it significantly elevated the brand's structure. At that time, the brand was transitioning from traditional retail stores to an immersive e_commerce experience. Alongside consolidating concepts and translating ideas into cohesive graphic proposals, my foremost objective was to establish a luxury e_commerce ecosystem.

* Images below and on the right are original sections of the previous website and instagram grid.



  • Lead both the outsourcing and in_house teams in creating seasonal campaigns to enhance the media presence across both retail and e_commerce ecosystems.

  • Revamp packaging to align with contemporary trends and enhance the overall experience.

  • Enhance the user experience on the current website.

*Photo on the right by Manuel Flores

With the brand already enjoying high demand owing to its designs and presence in over fifteen exclusive retail stores across Mexico, my primary role involved attentively listening to my director and coordinating with the team to develop effective campaigns.

The brand's essence was already deeply ingrained in the founder's vision, thus my daily tasks focused on translating his ideas into tangible projects and collaborations. I had the opportunity to lead outdoor campaigns involving up to 20 people, resulting in high_quality content that remained relevant for over six months.

*Film by Eduardo Villaseñor.

Integrating these high-budget outdoor campaigns with indoor campaigns developed by our in-house team was essential for maintaining a consistent flow of media content across retail and digital platforms.

As a manager within the in-house team, my responsibilities included recruiting, coordinating, and supervising a diverse creative team to achieve exceptional copywriting, editorial, and artistic development.

Working alongside diverse and talented individuals to achieve a shared objective is immensely rewarding for me. Therefore,
I make it a priority to offer clear and constructive feedback, especially concerning specific improvements, such as the images featured in upcoming banners.

*Image on web banner mockup captured by photographer Jesús Villanueva Varela.
*Miranda Herrera and Vanessa Madrid are the graphic partners behind the result presented on this mockup.
*The image below is a feedback example for changes to a photo taken by Jesús Villanueva Varela.

*Examples of brand presentations for investors.

*Examples of printing media for clients and wholesalers:

Packaging holds the rare power to momentarily leave you breathless.

As a former industrial designer, immersing myself in the process of enhancing the packaging journey was immensely fulfilling.

My involvement in this project ranged from researching current logistics and designs to crafting entirely new blueprints and bringing to life the brand's bags, boxes, postal cards, and tags.

International production negotiations were jointly managed by my supervisor and me, while I took full charge of overseeing national production with suppliers.

*Product photography by Herson Vilchis.

Though quantifying the precise impact of these contributions on retail or quality perception is complex, most of the KPIs showed significant improvement compared to previous marketing administrations.

These cohesive design proposals, in line with omnichannel strategies, resulted in a 42% increase in customer traffic on the main website and a 36% increase on social media.

The results, media used, and the process of each campaign were thoroughly discussed after its conclusion to gather valuable feedback and enhance any aspects that could be improved.

*This graphic illustrates the comparison of ecommerce sales at the project's outset and conclusion. Numbers have been converted to keep privacy.

After these implementations, it's truly gratifying to see that Corso® continues to embrace most of the ideas that originated from this partnership.

The personal relationship and admiration for the founder also persist.

*As the website and social media channels remain active, there may have been changes from the versions depicted in this portfolio.

*I extend my heartfelt gratitude to Samuel Casillas, Andrea G, Claudia Garcia, Vanessa Madrid, Herson Vilchis, Miranda H, Michelle Prado, Hector de la Torre, Blanca C, and all my co_workers who generously shared their knowledge with me. Without their support, my experience wouldn't have been as exceptional.